The Event
This event has been established in partnership between the Tahuna Beach Holiday Park and Arts Council Nelson as one of several activities planned to celebrate the fact that the site has been available for holidaymakers and locals to enjoy since 1926. The temporary outdoor sculpture exhibition will take place from 24 December 2016 through to 10 January 2017 in Nelson’s peak summer visitor season to offer artists a maximum audience. It is hoped that this will become a regular event, either annual or bi-annually.
Sculptors and other artists with three-dimensional focussed practice are invited to enter work that is suitable for installation within a highly populated outdoor leisure environment. Entry is by submission of photographs or design illustrations from which a panel will select works for inclusion in the showcase.
Work may be completed and transported to the site or proposed works may be constructed on-site within the available timeframe as stated in the terms and conditions of entry.
Due to the nature of the site, kinetic or works creating sound elements are unable to be accepted. Selected works will be installed on site to create a sculpture walk within the Beach Parks extensive grounds located alongside Nelson’s popular Tahunanui back beach. Work may be installed by the artist or the organisers by agreement.
Judges Choice Award of Excellence – $5,000.00 cash prize
All selected entries will be eligible for this award. The recipient will be decided upon by an invited judging panel and awarded to the work they consider to be of ‘excellence’.
Merit & People’s Choice Awards – Organisers hope to offer additional awards, which will be advised upon at a later date.
Important Dates
Closing date for entries: 2 November 2016
Selection advice: 9 November 2016
Freighted works received: 16 December 2016
Site installation: 17, 18,19 December 2016
Judging: 21 December 2016
Media Launch & Award Announcements: 23 December 2016
Works on Public Exhibition: 24 Dec 2016 – 10 January 2017
Announcement of People’s Choice Award: 6 January 2017
Exhibition closes: 10 January 2017
Collection of work by arrangement: From 11 January 2017.
Please read the Terms and Conditions of Entry here.
Please do not hesitate to contact Lloyd Harwood at Arts Council Nelson should you have any enquiries regarding this event:
Ph: 03 548 4640
Mob: 0273269166