Sculpture Walk Competition Terms and Conditions

General entry criteria

Entry is open to all artists.

All work must be original to the entrant and be available for sale. A commission of 30% + GST will be retained by the organisers for works sold during the exhibition period.

All selected works will be eligible for the Judges Choice Award, as well as any additional awards that may be included at a later date.

There are no size restrictions, however transportation and weight issues should be carefully considered. Works that are to be freighted and installed by the organisers are limited to those capable of being moved manually by up to four people and that are largely pre-assembled or require uncomplicated assembly. Fixtures and fittings should accompany work as/where appropriate.

Works should comprise of materials that are suitable for exterior display and constructed in a way that presents no risk to the viewing public. Organisers reserve the right to install barriers around work they deem may present health and safety risks.

Due to the nature of the site, kinetic or other works creating a sound element are unable to be accepted. Power supply can be made available for works that have integral light components.

Stage 1

There are two options for the submission of entries:

i] Entry of completed works

Entry is by submission of a competed official entry form along with hard copy photographs of work which must arrive no later 31st October 2016. Entrants may opt to supply a brief statement about their entry. Entries should be addressed to Arts Council Nelson. The Refinery ArtSpace, 3 Halifax Street, PO Box 566. Nelson. 7040.

Up to 3 photographic images of your entry may be submitted (maximum of A3 size), which should show a clear and accurate representation of the work. Entrants should be aware that selection decisions will be made on the strength of these images, consequently we encourage the use of informative and good quality images. Artists may submit multiple entries; however, a separate entry form should be completed for each work.

All selected entrants will be asked to provide a high resolution image of their work in either JPG or TIFF file between 1 – 3mb, which may be used for an exhibition catalogue and/or for promotional purposes of this and possibly future events.

ii] Entry of proposed work

For work which is in progress or is planned to be constructed on-site, entry is by completed Entry Form along with detailed illustration of the proposed work. Entrants may opt to supply a brief statement about their entry.

Up to 3 hard copy images (up to a maximum A3 size) of your entry may be submitted which should show a clear and accurate representation of the proposed work. Entrants should be aware that Selection decisions will be made utilising these illustrations, consequently we encourage the use of informative and good quality images. Answers to technical aspects on the entry form should represent your intentions for the proposed work, which will need to be closely adhered to should the proposal be selected.

Artists may submit multiple entries; however, a separate entry form should be completed for each work.

As appropriate and where applicable, selected entrants may be asked to provide a high resolution photographic image of their work in either JPG or TIFF file between 1 – 3mb, which may be used for an exhibition catalogue and/or for promotional purposes of the event at the organiser’s discretion. For works created on-site the photographing of installed work will be handled by Arts Council Nelson.

A site map is attached, along with photographs indicative of the variety of terrain within the site boundaries. Entrants may suggest particular sites for their work, however it should be understood that organisers shall have the final decision on the placement of works.

NB: Artist that wish to have their photographs or designs returned after the selection process must enclose a stamped SAE for this purpose.

Stage 2

Selection process:

Selection will be undertaken by a five-member panel invited by Arts Council Nelson.

Selection criteria shall include, but not be limited to:

  • originality and creative integrity of the work
  • use of materials and construction methods
  • suitability for site along with health and safety considerations

The selection panel’s decisions will be final and no discussion will be entered into

All entrants will be advised by email on the outcome of their submission by 7th November 2016, at which point selected artists will be offered a formal exhibition agreement.

Stage 3

Selected entries:

Artists are responsible for costs involved with both the delivery and return of work if unsold. Work being freighted needs to be suitably boxed or crated in rigid reusable materials with the return address and name of the sender clearly marked.

Artists are also responsible for insuring their work during transit and for the duration of the display period. Whilst organisers shall employ security personnel at the Beach Park and exercise due care and attention throughout the event, organisers cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or deterioration of work that may occur.

Freighted work will be officially received from 9am to 3pm on 16 December, unless prior arrangement for an alternative time has been agreed.

Works will be installed on-site from the 17 – 19 December. Assistance will be available for artists placing their work, and arrangements can be made by prior agreement for the organisers to site works on behalf of artists unable to be present.

The exhibition will open on 24 December 2016 and run through until 10 January 2017. All works selected for the final showcase must remain in-situ for the entire exhibition period. Organisers reserve the right to remove/dismantle work that may become unstable for any reason.

The Judging Panel’s decision on Award recipients will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Collection of unsold work from the site commences from 10am on 11 January 2017 by prior arrangement.

All unsold entries that require freighting will be despatched by 16 January 2017.

In submitting an entry, artists understand that the organisers may use photographic images of entered work for use for cataloguing and/or for promotional purposes of this and/or future events at their discretion and without cost to the artist. Artist acknowledgement will be made in any such usage.

Please do not hesitate to contact Lloyd Harwood at Arts Council Nelson should you have any enquiries regarding this event:

Ph: 03 548 4640
Mob: 0273269166